Jillian can deadlift you
Compton has notes
Jillian Ramos
Email: Jillian.Ramos@cuanschutz.edu
“My PhD work involved characterizing disease-associated variants in tRNA modification enzymes. I’m utilizing my tRNA knowledge here in the Kieft lab and working to identify the structure-function relationship of tRNA Like Structures found at the 3’ end of positive-strand RNA plant viruses. Overall, I’m interested in uncovering RNA-based tools which can be used for downstream method development and/or potential therapeutics. In fact, my second project aims to build a new technology using exonuclease-resistant RNA structures."
Jillian is a California native who attempted to take on the snow for her PhD work at the
University of Rochester. She settled for a happy medium in Colorado. Although Jillian is the shortest person in the lab, she is probably the strongest. She is classified as an “Elite” Powerlifter, spending most of her free time in the gym.